Free Webinars

Be a part of the data-driven future

The Dave on Data mission is to empower any professional to develop practical data literacy skills and have more impact at work. The free webinars below provide you with hours of content to guide you in developing the skills needed for the data-driven future of business.

See what your Microsoft Excel skills make possible!

On-Demand Webinars


Hands-on Data Literacy for Excel users

In about 1 hour this on-demand webinar provides you with a practical roadmap for building your data literacy. All you need are basic Microsoft Excel skills. All slides are available for download.


Why R Programming Is Easy

In 40 minutes this on-demand webinar shows how your Microsoft Excel skills 100% map to R programming. This makes learning R programming much easier than you might think. All slides are available for download.


Machine Learning in a Nutshell

In about 1 hour this on-demand webinar provides you a purely intuitive introduction to machine learning. To be clear, there is no math/coding at all in this webinar! All slides are available for download.


From Excel to Machine Learning

In 45 minutes this on-demand webinar demonstrates how you can go from analyzing data in Microsoft Excel pivot tables all the way to using machine learning. No, really! All slides are available for download.